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VFX Compositing with Nuke: The Complete 2D Edition
Compositing Basics
Who am I and Who are you? (1:50)
What is Compositing? (1:48)
This is Compositing (2:04)
Software for Compositing (1:45)
Moving from After Effects to Nuke (8:09)
QUIZ: Compositing Basics
Getting Comfortable with Nuke
Interface Basics (10:32)
Nodes not Layers (4:40)
Tabs, Panels, Windows (2:33)
Categories of Nodes (14:45)
Nuke's Capabilities (3:39)
QUIZ: Getting Comfortable with Nuke
2D Compositing in Nuke
Basic Compositing (11:57)
Green Screen, Primatte & Ultimatte (21:56)
Refining Mattes (6:43)
Shuffle, Copy, Premult (16:09)
Color Correction (10:44)
2D Tracking in Nuke (10:51)
Set Extension (Part 1) (19:53)
Set Extension (Part 2) (12:52)
Creating & Matching Shadows (10:19)
Grain (12:34)
Log vs. Linear Images (11:15)
Rendering & Render Formats (15:34)
SHOT TRYOUT: Composite this! (2:40)
QUIZ: 2D Compositing in Nuke
Shortcuts & Tips in Nuke
Postage Stamp (3:33)
Groups and Backdrops (8:02)
Efficiency Hacks (4:10)
QUIZ: Shortcuts & Tips in Nuke
Compositing Summary
Compositing Best Practices (2:34)
The War between After Effects & Nuke (3:21)
The Thing about Compositing (1:57)
Stay Tuned for More! (1:08)
QUIZ: Compositing Summary
FIRST PUBLISHED BOOK "Why I Do VFX: The Untold Truths About Working in Visual Effects"
"Not Your Starving Artist: Making Money in the Arts"
Bonus Lecture: NEW "VFX Compositing with Nuke: Invisible Visual Effects"
Bonus Lecture: NEW "VFX Production On-Set: Becoming a Visual Effects Supervisor"
Bonus Lecture: Access ALL Our VFX Courses Here
Bonus Lecture: "How to Get a Job in Hollywood" (1:00)
QUIZ: Getting Comfortable with Nuke
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